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We are experts in strategy, storytelling and sustainability. 

The Climate Consultancy is dedicated to advancing the fight for a sustainable, just, and habitable world. Our mission is to empower businesses, communities, and leaders with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in a low-carbon economy. We help stakeholders to navigate the complex landscape of environmental challenges, ensuring a harmonious balance between ecological responsibility, social justice, and economic prosperity​​. â€‹

How we work

Greenwash won’t wash.

We are incredibly passionate about helping the world to move in a more progressive and forward-thinking way. That is why we strive to only work with organisations that are committed to taking actionable steps to reduce their carbon emissions, protect biodiversity and operate in an ethical and socially-conscious way.


Be an avocado. Green on the inside and out.

At TCC, we believe that to be truly green, you must activate purpose at every layer of your organisation. That is why we advocate for green marketing to be used to drive environmental education and awareness to all of your key stakeholders, including employees, investors, consumers, and other decision-makers.


Think in systems, not silos.

Environmental challenges are systemic and multifaceted problems. One of the elemental principles of systems thinking is recognising that no one sees the whole system, they only see their unique perspective. Tackling the system requires all viewpoints to converge on a shared view of what exactly is happening and what needs to happen for the system to change. It requires collaboration - across different teams, different organisations, and different industries. We partner with organisations to work more collaboratively by building partnerships with purpose.


Love a challenge.

It’s not easy being green. If it was, everyone would be doing it. Businesses wanting to embark on this journey must be willing to answer difficult questions and encounter challenges. Those that do will be rewarded with greater customer loyalty, brand recognition and a more resilient bottom line. But they must be willing to put in the effort first.

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